Unigo.com: Student Content Driven Review Site Best Tool For Realtors and College Applicants

Students and parents looking for information on colleges, campus life, pictures of University grounds, reviews from unbiased sources, and everything wrapped up in one site search no more. Unigo.com is the answer to the propaganda machine that many Universities call blogs.

The majority of schools in America are clueless to the advantages of a blog for their school, Web 2.0 tools for their students and teachers, Web 2.0 as a business major or at least focus within a business major, or the value of student powered content for marketing purpose.

Filling a Need: Business Model Success

Unigo.com is a brilliant yet simple concept: poll thousands of college students on their universities. Have these students provide reviews and reports about everything the University has to offer. Describe academic and living conditions. Create audio and video resources; and package it all together so parents, students, and entrepreneurs can learn more about the institutions

Realtor’s Tool

If you have a great University or a concentration of great Universities within the region you sell you must consider this a strong selling point in real estate.

Unigo.com: Find, Review, Explore

Find: this is a rich search system that can pinpoint nearly every major university in the land

Review: this allows you to rate your university adding information for others to consider

Explore: this section aggregates all the information for your investigation. Sections include College Reviews; Video; Photos; Documents; and student Profiles

Unconvinced? About Us Document:

“Unigo is the world’s largest platform for college students to share reviews, photos, videos, documents, and more with students on their campus and across the country.

It’s also the best place for high school students to find out what life is really like at America’s colleges, and to make friends to help them find the school that’s right for them.

Unigo is the result of a nationwide grassroots movement to get the truth out about college life, and it’s growing bigger every day. Want to join?”

Changing Careers-Laying Your Foundation Workshop To Transition and Success

Many people in a variety of business niches are constantly searching for answers to obstacles that plague their professional development, business success, and overall happiness and well being. Susan Hanshaw’s upcoming workshop “Changing Careers: Laying Your Foundation” provides 6 Steps with a goal and a proven formula for achieving each goal.

Q: “What Do You Get In This Workshop? Why Should I Attend?”

A: “Together we will walk through 6 steps each with a goal and a proven formula for achieving each goal:

Step 1

Goal: Stop feeling stuck in a career that no longer fits

How: Become aware of your choices

Step 2

Goal: Give yourself permission to experience your ideal work life

How: Identify the beliefs that are holding you back and learn how to let go of them

Step 3

Goal: Stop second guessing your desire for change

How: Recognize how your values have changed

Step 4

Goal: Believe in your ability to successfully create a career change

How: Learn the 7 Steps to successfully create change

Step 5

Goal: Discover your passions and purpose

How: Learn how and where to look for clues

Step 6

Goal: Believe you can turn your passions into a financially rewarding career

How: Identify the various ways you can generate income from your passions

Please consider joining us for Changing Careers: Laying Your Foundation

susan hanshaw

Susan Hanshaw
Workshop Facilitator

Changing Careers:
Laying Your Foundation

Saturday, Sept 6, 2008
10am – 4pm

Quadrus Conference Center
2400 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA

“One of the most beautiful conference centers I’ve ever been to.”— Al Gore

Innerarchitect.WordPress.com Moves To Innerarchitect.com/Blog: Combining Our Website and Blog Transition In Action

The blog supporting Inner Architect personal development firm and author Susan Hanshaw has moved from it’s original wordpress subdomain, innerarchitect.wordpress.com, to it’s new platform innerarchitect.com/blog. The combining of website and blog will bring all the Inner Architect writing, products, and services under one roof.

The focus will remain to provide continuous valuable resources:

1. Tips: Maintaining Positive Energy

2. How to Guides: “The Most Important Steps Toward The Life You Want”

3. Services: Books and Reference articles

4. Workshops: Changing Careers: Laying Your Foundation

5. Our Friends: trusted friends, reviewers, bloggers, and entrepreneurs

6. Events: Speaking engagements, workshops, networking opportunities

7. Discoveries: Discover Your Passions And Purpose

8. Inspiration: The story of a street preacher with a heart

9. Book Review: a sample of two book reviews for Inner Architect

10. Workshops: Scheduled events

Bay Area Business Woman Publisher Debra Costner Hails Susan Hanshaw’s “Inner Architect” As The Tool To “Build Your Life From The Inside Out”

Welcome to the new Bay Area Business Woman!

Debra Costner, Publisher

Bay Area Business Woman publisher and editor Debra Costner is a no nonsense businesswoman living her “purpose.” In one of the best book reviews to date, Ms. Costner described “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live” as:

  • “It is not a book about living life or changing careers-it is in fact an exquisitely detailed workbook taking you through the process of a ‘personal revolution’”
  • “The many exercises, including identifying your trust issues, creating new beliefs about money, choosing to believe in yourself and trusting your instincts really hit the mark in identifying what keeps so many from finding success”
  • “Inner Architect is able to guide you through any life-altering modifications you feel compelled to make. The book could work to define a new health plan, improve personal relationships and of course develop a new business plan”

As Costner notes this book is for “. . . those who truly feel they need a change in direction, or want to examine their current situation and are ready for transformation.” As Susan advices “we are in an evolving state of becoming.” When you feel challenged by change and transition remember “When you have serious doubts, consider what regrets you might have if you don’t give your leap a full chance.”

Examples You Can Accomplish

1. Change your career direction create a purposeful path

2. Create new beliefs about money; letting go of the fear of the loss of the paycheck

3. Build the confidence to start a new exercise health plan

4. Improve your eating habits

5. Build and improve personal relationships

Susan Hanshaw’s “Creating Your Plan”: Networking To A New Life

Jeffrey Gitomer’s fun video of networking basics

Action Planning is one of the most intricate and important parts of creating a new life or career. Without a plan to drive your efforts, your attempts to change your life are much more difficult to achieve. Make no mistake about the fact that in order to succeed in any transition you must first be responsible for laying the foundation: planning.

In Susan Hanshaw’s book Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live”, Phase 4 Creating Your Plan the best tool to get started is Step 15 “Outline Your Training Process.”

Marketing Through Networking

One of the fastest and most effective methods to begin meeting people in the niche you wish to build your new career or life is via real world networking events and meetings

Webgrrls International

A great example of outlining your training process can be found at the networking group Webgrrls.com. Webgrrls provides meetings and events with the following benefits:

1. Networking: you meet people in your niche
2. Introductions: you give your 1 minute “elevator” pitch a mini marketing message business plan
3. Practice: you hone your public speaking skills by participating
4. Support: members support each other’s goals and help bring ideas forward
5. Synergy: many members have synergy within their action plans and training plans

5 Steps For Identifying Your Training Process

In Susan Hanshaw’s exercise you are given a practical method of evaluating your training process:

1. Get Clarity: Define details of your service or product, develop a profile of your job description, and list your job duties
2. Identify Areas for Development: review your job duties and list specific areas for development
3. Research: find training opportunities, options for training and learning, don’t limit your path to education
4. Buy In: Choose training programs that resonate with you, that excite you, and commit your efforts 100% to that program(s)
5. Complete Training and Credentials: realize your training will require concentration and sacrifice. Focus on the rewards of training rather than your sacrifices

Webgrrl Attendees With Expertise

1. Nelly Yusupova: Founder Digitalwoman.com a successful a website development and Internet consultant practice started in March, 2004. Nelly is also the CTO for Webgrrls.com and Manhattan chapter president. Contact Nelly Yusupova at nelly@cgim.com

2. Naomi Most: Naomi is the talented producer behind LittleMovingPictures.com and a well versed programmer with experience in Python, Perl, PHP, SQL, XML, C/C++. Naomi’s company is so busy and expanding that they are looking for a wide variety of professionals from copywriters to engineers. Contact Naomi at naomi@littlemovingpictures.com

3. Beth Rogozinski: Director, Marketing Communications for devicescape.com the leader in software for secure and seamless WiFi internet access. Beth has 10+ years of experience in Public Relations, media relations, media event marketing and planning. Contact Beth for all of your enterprise or individual WiFi access needs beth@devicescape.com

4. Erin Clark: Account Manager Eastridge InfoTech a technology staffing firm in San Francisco. Erin is a vibrant and well connected human capital facilitator who matches talented technologist with their desired positions. A active member of ebig.com and thinkhdi.com, Erin is a market leader and go-to source of information. Contact Erin at eclark@eastridgeinfotech.com

5. Gayle Uchida: Business Development Manager Gayle is a joy to meet and learn from in her work with Lighthouse-sf.com. Lighthouse For The Blind is a non profit organization focussed on education and awareness effecting the vision impaired community. Gayle has over 20 years experience in Silicon Valley as a business development executive and marketing professional. Contact Gayle at guchida@lighthouse-sf.org

Life Transitioning Workshop: How One Presentation Can Change Your Thoughts And Life

As the Business Director for Inner Architect, Inner Architect Media, and author Susan Hanshaw it is my role to help raise awareness of Susan’s new book “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live”, her personal development firm Inner Architect, and her upcoming events.

In support of her book and our community, Susan is performing pro-bono workshops for non profit groups, charities, and many employment organizations.

One of the most fulfilling experiences for Susan happened when she presented her workshop “The Secret To Success” June 20 for a group of 60 women at Job Train a Menlo Park based organization.

In her own words. . .

photo of susan hanshaw

I had one of my most fulfilling experiences on Friday June 20 when I was invited to speak at a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help those who are most in need to succeed. Sixty women who are enrolled in various vocational job training programs attended my workshop, “The Secret to Success”. Why was it so fulfilling? Because for at least our 90 minutes together, my ideas made a difference.

The breakthrough lesson was how our beliefs are all that holds us back from taking the steps to succeed. We did an exercise that first asked them to write answers to the following:

  • What fears do you have about your job future?
  • What ideas are limiting what you think you can achieve or become in your life?
  • What is holding you back from believing you can stay dedicated to doing the necessary work?

In the second part of the exercise, I asked them to go back and write down what new ideas they could replace the ones above with that would support them in taking action. After a few minutes, several shared how writing their thoughts down enabled them to get clarity they’d never had before.

We can help ourselves break through all our obstacles if only we look closely enough to see what they are.

Try the exercise yourself and see what you might learn.


10 Chracteristics Of A Great Realtor: If You Don’t Have These Skills You Are “Selling” Yourself Short

FoxBusiness.com published this deansguide article July 7, 2008

Please read this article then refer to this fantastic historical blast through Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 by Mike Wesch

What do you do if you are ready to address a new prospect and the first thing out of their mouth is: “I don’t know if I really need a Realtor”? Are you prepared for that statement or have you comforted yourself with the idea that 99.99999% of the consumers at large understand the value of a Realtor during a real estate transaction?

The Idea Simply put you should think of your job as:

1st an educator

2nd a sales person

Sales Perspective #1

NEVER ASSUME anything. Consider the idea that you should have the attitude that you need to sell your prospective client on the benefits of representation. Do not think that just because they found you, they are sold on paying you thousands of dollars for the priviledge of doing business with you

Help them understand the safeguards YOU bring to the table in these shaky economic times and era of mortgage meltdowns


1. You are an expert at contracts, interpreting contracts, and explaining all aspects of the contract to clients

2. You are the informational expert for your county, city, town, region, or neighborhood

3. Although you do NOT have to be, you are an EXPERT in mortgages, appraisals, and credit issues. If need be you could perform your affiliates job with ease

4. You understand home inspections and their importance

5. You have a “team” of affiliates who have the same “educator-expert-sales” approach

6. You are a technologist and understand the marketing importance of blogging, Google search, and viral marketing tools for maximum exposure

7. Your broker supports your efforts 110% with real world marketing-ads in local, regional, and national publications (when necessary)

8. You are AVAILABLE to answer questions

9. You have connectivity aka you are networked into the communities political structure, industry hierarchy, and familial community outlets

10. Your reputation is your calling card. “It’s who knows you-NOT who you know” that counts

Reuters.com Publishes Inner Architect Book Review: “She Is Writing This So I Can Be My Own Life Coach”

inner architect book cover

Awareness continues to build for author Susan Hanshaw’s new work “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live” with global media giant Reuters.com publishing Lori Hoeck’s amazing review July 3, 2008 at Spaceagesage.com blog.

The original story was published on June 24, 2008 as a deansguide article: “Smashing Review For Inner Architect: She Is Writing This So I Can Be My Own Life Coach.” Reuters.com syndicated the story for their News and Environment sections at Reuters.com

Live Workshops and Keynotes For Inner Architect

1. Mill Valley Rotary Club July 22, 2008

2. Sausalito Rotary Club July 24, 2008

3. Cupertino CSIX Connect Employment July 29, 2008

4. Fremont ProNet Employment August 15, 2008

5. San Francisco pow.wow networking August 19, 2008

6. Menlo Park Job Train Graduation September 5, 2008

7. Menlo Park Workshop: “Changing Careers: Laying Your Foundation”

Date: Saturday, Sept 6, 2008
Time: 10am – 4pm
: Menlo Park, CA
Workshop price before Aug 6: $85
Workshop price after Aug 6: $95

7 Steps To Help You Plan Your Future: Susan Hanshaw’s Action Planning Outline

The following “how to” article was written by my business partner and author Susan Hanshaw of personal development firm Inner Architect and publishing firm Inner Architect Media. Please consider these steps as a check list action plan to begin your journey of change and discovery. Her new book “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live” made it’s debut in June to wonderful reviews such as the review written by Tom Royce of http://therealestatebloggers

photo of susan hanshaw

Susan Hanshaw

Is there something that you wish to achieve or create in your life, yet you lack the confidence in yourself to follow through? Here are some tips for staying relentlessly focused on your goal.

  1. Break your goal into executable steps.
  2. Recognize that the key to achieving your goals is following through with the necessary steps.
  3. Assign a schedule for each step and commit it to your calendar.
  4. Use your calendar as your “to do” list. If you can’t get to a step on the scheduled date, reschedule it. Keep the step on your calendar until its completion.
  5. If you are feeling resistance to following through with a particular step, get in touch with the belief that is in your way.
  6. Replace the limiting belief with an idea that empowers you to move forward. Get inspired from someone who believes in you.
  7. Hold yourself responsible for the life you create. Don’t allow room for regrets!

Understanding Clues From Your Everday Life: Louise Hay Of Hayhouse–Inspiration In The Making

Reproduced with permission of Susan Hanshaw, inner architect media, the following is Susan’s experiences at the biggest Book Conference in America: Book Expo America. Susan’s honest insight provides a refreshingly forthright look into the building of a life started anew.

I have just returned from BookExpo America (BEA), the book industry’s annual event held this year at the Los Angeles Convention Center, where I went to promote the debut of my book, Inner Architect: How to Build the Life You Were Designed to Live. I expected the experience to be one of value, learning, and building relationships. What I didn’t expect was to discover what occurred to me while I mentally noted the highlights of the event during our final day. As I focused on these highlights, I saw a common thread that weaved throughout the launch of my book that would have totally bypassed my consciousness had I not stopped to casually review. I believe this common thread provides a direction for me that I would not have taken seriously had the energy of life not have shoved it in my face.

I’d like to share my clues and my perception of the guidance they provide, and then invite you to look at recent, or not so recent, events in your life where there might be direction sitting there for you.

Clue #1: My company, inner architect, published the book using a standard off-set printer who specializes in the book industry. Upon our request for production samples, the printer we ultimately chose sent us two books published by Hay House. I didn’t think anything more about this at the time than the printer wanted to promote that they had a well known, prestigious client.

Clue #2: Louise Hay author and founder of Hay House, happened to be autographing books in the Hay House booth at BEA while my partner, Dean and I walked by. Dean took my bashful arm and led me to stand next to him in the line to meet Louise. When it was our turn to greet her, Dean introduced me and thanked her for the inspiration she provided to us to launch our publishing company. Once again, I didn’t take this for anything more than shear luck of being in the right place at the right time to meet Louise Hay, a woman I respect and honor for her contribution to the human development movement.

Clue #3: Later that day at BEA we stopped to talk with a man promoting international distribution services. We proudly showed him our new book and he responded with a comment about it being along the lines of what Hay House publishes. He went on to tell us that a company that had recently lost the Hay House account would likely welcome something to replace it. I felt encouraged by his comment, yet didn’t see the meaning in this exchange until I put all three of these clues together.

My interpretation of these clues: I was led to look at a woman who I deeply admire as a model for my own work in a way that I had never considered on my own.

What to take away from my experience:

  1. Look at the events that unfold in your life as having meaningful messages for you.
  2. Take the messages that you interpret seriously, even if they seem grander than visions you’ve created for yourself.
  3. Trust that these messages are meant to lead you in the direction where you will find the most fulfillment.
  4. Believe that you are capable in carrying out these messages and commit to doing the steps that will see it through.