Moves To Combining Our Website and Blog Transition In Action

The blog supporting Inner Architect personal development firm and author Susan Hanshaw has moved from it’s original wordpress subdomain,, to it’s new platform The combining of website and blog will bring all the Inner Architect writing, products, and services under one roof.

The focus will remain to provide continuous valuable resources:

1. Tips: Maintaining Positive Energy

2. How to Guides: “The Most Important Steps Toward The Life You Want”

3. Services: Books and Reference articles

4. Workshops: Changing Careers: Laying Your Foundation

5. Our Friends: trusted friends, reviewers, bloggers, and entrepreneurs

6. Events: Speaking engagements, workshops, networking opportunities

7. Discoveries: Discover Your Passions And Purpose

8. Inspiration: The story of a street preacher with a heart

9. Book Review: a sample of two book reviews for Inner Architect

10. Workshops: Scheduled events

Susan Hanshaw’s “Creating Your Plan”: Networking To A New Life

Jeffrey Gitomer’s fun video of networking basics

Action Planning is one of the most intricate and important parts of creating a new life or career. Without a plan to drive your efforts, your attempts to change your life are much more difficult to achieve. Make no mistake about the fact that in order to succeed in any transition you must first be responsible for laying the foundation: planning.

In Susan Hanshaw’s book Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live”, Phase 4 Creating Your Plan the best tool to get started is Step 15 “Outline Your Training Process.”

Marketing Through Networking

One of the fastest and most effective methods to begin meeting people in the niche you wish to build your new career or life is via real world networking events and meetings

Webgrrls International

A great example of outlining your training process can be found at the networking group Webgrrls provides meetings and events with the following benefits:

1. Networking: you meet people in your niche
2. Introductions: you give your 1 minute “elevator” pitch a mini marketing message business plan
3. Practice: you hone your public speaking skills by participating
4. Support: members support each other’s goals and help bring ideas forward
5. Synergy: many members have synergy within their action plans and training plans

5 Steps For Identifying Your Training Process

In Susan Hanshaw’s exercise you are given a practical method of evaluating your training process:

1. Get Clarity: Define details of your service or product, develop a profile of your job description, and list your job duties
2. Identify Areas for Development: review your job duties and list specific areas for development
3. Research: find training opportunities, options for training and learning, don’t limit your path to education
4. Buy In: Choose training programs that resonate with you, that excite you, and commit your efforts 100% to that program(s)
5. Complete Training and Credentials: realize your training will require concentration and sacrifice. Focus on the rewards of training rather than your sacrifices

Webgrrl Attendees With Expertise

1. Nelly Yusupova: Founder a successful a website development and Internet consultant practice started in March, 2004. Nelly is also the CTO for and Manhattan chapter president. Contact Nelly Yusupova at

2. Naomi Most: Naomi is the talented producer behind and a well versed programmer with experience in Python, Perl, PHP, SQL, XML, C/C++. Naomi’s company is so busy and expanding that they are looking for a wide variety of professionals from copywriters to engineers. Contact Naomi at

3. Beth Rogozinski: Director, Marketing Communications for the leader in software for secure and seamless WiFi internet access. Beth has 10+ years of experience in Public Relations, media relations, media event marketing and planning. Contact Beth for all of your enterprise or individual WiFi access needs

4. Erin Clark: Account Manager Eastridge InfoTech a technology staffing firm in San Francisco. Erin is a vibrant and well connected human capital facilitator who matches talented technologist with their desired positions. A active member of and, Erin is a market leader and go-to source of information. Contact Erin at

5. Gayle Uchida: Business Development Manager Gayle is a joy to meet and learn from in her work with Lighthouse For The Blind is a non profit organization focussed on education and awareness effecting the vision impaired community. Gayle has over 20 years experience in Silicon Valley as a business development executive and marketing professional. Contact Gayle at

Barack Obama, Oprah, and America Are Talking About It: Change and Transition Workshop For Life

susan hanshaw photo


“Changing Careers: Laying Your Foundation”

Is your heart calling you to make a career or personal change, yet you lack the structure, focus or support to get started? Whether you know what you want to move into or need guidance getting clarity, this workshop will assist you in stepping onto the new path with the understandings you need to stay the course and build a life you love.

Substance Factor

Whether you know what you want to move into or you are looking for clarity and transition, this workshop goes beyond career goals. It is a workshop that will provide the attendee with the following tools from Phase 1 and Phase 2 of Susan Hanshaw’s latest book “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live” see Ray Davis review from his blog

What You Will Learn

  • Recognize your choices and identify the choice you want to make
  • Common obstacles to creating work you love and their solutions
  • Identify your personal obstacles and define their solutions
  • Understand your beliefs about your future possibilities and make necessary adjustment
  • Create a vision of your best life possible
  • Learn the key to fulfilling work
  • 5 steps to discovering your purpose
  • Where to look for clues about your passions and purpose
  • Recognize clues to your unique purpose
  • Identify ways to express your purpose and generate income
  • Recognize which role excites you the most
  • 6 steps for experimenting with your role


Date: Saturday, Sept 6, 2008

Time: 10am – 4pm

Location: The beautiful Quadrus Center Menlo Park, CA

Prices: TBA

7 Steps To Help You Plan Your Future: Susan Hanshaw’s Action Planning Outline

The following “how to” article was written by my business partner and author Susan Hanshaw of personal development firm Inner Architect and publishing firm Inner Architect Media. Please consider these steps as a check list action plan to begin your journey of change and discovery. Her new book “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live” made it’s debut in June to wonderful reviews such as the review written by Tom Royce of http://therealestatebloggers

photo of susan hanshaw

Susan Hanshaw

Is there something that you wish to achieve or create in your life, yet you lack the confidence in yourself to follow through? Here are some tips for staying relentlessly focused on your goal.

  1. Break your goal into executable steps.
  2. Recognize that the key to achieving your goals is following through with the necessary steps.
  3. Assign a schedule for each step and commit it to your calendar.
  4. Use your calendar as your “to do” list. If you can’t get to a step on the scheduled date, reschedule it. Keep the step on your calendar until its completion.
  5. If you are feeling resistance to following through with a particular step, get in touch with the belief that is in your way.
  6. Replace the limiting belief with an idea that empowers you to move forward. Get inspired from someone who believes in you.
  7. Hold yourself responsible for the life you create. Don’t allow room for regrets!

Smashing Review For Inner Architect: “She Is Writing This So I Can Be My Own Life Coach!”

Author Susan Hanshaw left a successful 20 year corporate career that culminated in a position as Vice President and second in command of her direct marketing firm. During her transition she learned how to step into her current life as author, keynote speaker, and Founder of personal development firm Inner Architect.

The following is a smashing debut review for her latest workInner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live.Reviewer Lori Hoeck of the blog succinctly and accurately analyzes Susan’s work; with a honest and impacting style, Hoeck captures the true essence behind this book and the meaningful messages contained within. For further information and to order “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live”

List price: $14.95 price: $11.95 (save 20%)
Also available at Amazon.


Lori Hoeck:

“When I started reading Inner Architect by Susan Hanshaw, I was perplexed. Other books I have read on self-help or personal growth immediately delve into meaty matters of mind, body, and soul, such as “Here’s your problem, here’s every reason behind your problem, and here’s the answer to your problem.”

I assumed Hanshaw would follow this pattern in the typical parental or professorial or counselor-type writing style. She does not. After a few more pages, it suddenly struck me. She is writing this so I can be my own life coach! I expected this book to give me just a few new insights here and there. Instead, it gives me the right tools for me to kick my own life into gear.

Her writing style isn’t for the reader to passively ingest words and ideas. Instead:

  • It is about taking action.
  • It is about taking action right now.
  • It is about cutting through the hype and hyperventilation we often use to avoid change.

Her approach challenges the reader to actively progress through change in the form of over 30 fill-in-the-blank exercises. None of the exercises can be completed with superficial thought. For example in the section on Personal Obstacles, one asks, “What frightens you most about making this change?”

Her book is subtitled “How to Build the Life You Were Designed to Live.” Hanshaw uses the metaphors of designing, clearing obstacles for, constructing, and even moving into that life. I liked her stair-step process of beginning from the earliest point of considering a change to embracing, claiming, and enjoying a new life resulting from that change.

As I read more, I could easily imagine a life coach sitting across from me motivating me to think through all the steps. For example, in the finding purpose section, she helps readers find their passion by listing these “Clues:”

  • Activities that cause you to lose track of time
  • Unique talents and characteristics
  • Yearnings and dreams that don’t go away
  • Section in a bookstore you are most drawn to
  • Classes you enjoy taking
  • Complements you often get
  • Roles that you naturally take on with family and friends
  • Someone whose life you admire and wish you could be doing the same

Because of the straight-forward nature of the book and the mental work involved, readers may shy away from this type of life coaching in a book. If, however, you are ready to make changes and need a guidebook to your new life, Inner Architect will get you moving and thinking in more clearly defined, step-by-step, and motivational ways.”

“The Apprentice Contest”: Enter, Write Your Story, Win A Spot In The Upcoming Book!

Update dateline March 18, 2008

Author Susan Hanshaw’s upcoming book “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live” will include a story line from the winner of “The Apprentice Contest.” As part of the book launch, inner architect has been running “The Appretice Contest” where contestants were sent a free copy of Chapter 1 “Cultivating Your Mind To Consider Change.”

Contestants were asked to write their impressions, suggestions, or description of an event that helped change their lives for the better. The winner would then be awarded a copy of Susan’s book, $50 Gift card, and they would have an article published in our blogs supporting their business, website, and blog.

As a way to give back to our readers and to recognize a truly important event or story, inner architect has decided to reward the winner of “The Apprentice Contest” with publication. The winner’s story will be included, up to one page, in our book. In addition we will include the winners url for website, blog, and business.

What This Means For You

Our plans are to distribute the book worldwide both online as an ebook as well as via print publication. If you are looking for viral marketing opportunities, publication, and the chance to have your work noticed outside of your normal distribution channels then enter “The Apprentice Contest” and tell the world!

Are You Ready To Remove The 3 Roadblocks To Change: Fears, Limited Beliefs, Commitment published this article March 8, 2008

Author Susan Hanshaw in her book, Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live, provides something that the brilliant writing of Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Marc Allen, and Eckhart Tolle usually do not provide: how to steps that help implement change. The following is information that identifies 3 Roadblocks to Change and an exercise which helps you to begin to implement your action plan.


3 Roadblocks To Change:

1. Fears about your ability to successfully create change

2. Limited beliefs about what you can achieve or who you can become

3. Commitment to taking the necessary steps

For the inner architect evaluation exercise-tool, Personal Steps For Change, which gives you the start to a plan of action to change your life, please request your free copy of Chapter 1 “Cultivating Your Mind To Consider Change.”

Email your request for a copy of Chapter 1 to:

Tips for Maintaining Positive Energy

The following article is the first in a series of articles to help Realtors and real estate professionals maintain a positive attitude through positive thought process. This series will be authored by myself and Susan Hanshaw, inspirational teacher, coach and speaker. This article, written by Susan Hanshaw, gives steps you can take to make positive thinking a method to achieve happiness and relieve stress. Thank you Susan!


How do you maintain a constant positive thought process without letting the stresses of the outside world interfere?

Positive thinking really can become a habit if you work on it. It just takes practice. There are many things you can do to practice:

  1. Begin every day with some kind of practice that reminds you that whatever you manifest in your life begins as a thought in your mind. Your create your life through what you think about. Make a habit several times throughout the day to remind yourself by bringing this idea to your awareness.
  2. Be aware of your thoughts and the control that you have over them. If you catch yourself thinking negatively, stop the thought and replace it with a positive one.
  3. Approach your world from a place of gratitude. Focus as much as possible on all the things you have to be grateful about. It’s impossible to experience a negative thought while you are dwelling in gratitude.
  4. Develop a strong faith in the good of the Universe. Expect that all your needs will be met and that you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
  5. Think of your mind as a sacred place and protect it. Don’t allow yourself to participate in negative energy. Claim your power to change or remove yourself from negative environments.
  6. Look for beauty in everything you encounter.
  7. Think of your experience of life like starring in a movie that takes place in your mind. If you want to experience happiness, think happy thoughts. If you want to be miserable, fill your mind with negative thoughts.

Remember that you don’t have to put up with the negative thoughts that may seem to naturally dart through your mind. They may continue to show up uninvited, but that doesn’t mean you have to let them in the door to visit.

Thank you for visiting. Here’s to a life of richness!

Susan Hanshaw