Forbes Names Top 100 Small Businesses in America

Can you name the top 10 small businesses in America? Do you work at one of the top 100 rated small businesses in America? If you can’t answer either question you have company. Many people don’t know the answer to this question because they follow news about the behemoths of industry, the giants of growth, or the latest and greatest.

Forbes, one of the leaders in business journalism, presents their list America’s 100 Best Small Companies. In a previous post I asked you if you were prospecting your business community. This article could act as a resource for generating leads. I will list the top 10 but you can find the entire list of 100 Best Small Companies here.

America’s 100 Best Small Companies: Top 10

1. Medifast

2. Interdigital

3. American Public Education

4. Deckers Outdoor

5. WebMD

6. Nutrisystem

7. National Presto Industries

8. Industrial Services of America

9. True Religion Apparel

10. Transcend Services Moves To Combining Our Website and Blog Transition In Action

The blog supporting Inner Architect personal development firm and author Susan Hanshaw has moved from it’s original wordpress subdomain,, to it’s new platform The combining of website and blog will bring all the Inner Architect writing, products, and services under one roof.

The focus will remain to provide continuous valuable resources:

1. Tips: Maintaining Positive Energy

2. How to Guides: “The Most Important Steps Toward The Life You Want”

3. Services: Books and Reference articles

4. Workshops: Changing Careers: Laying Your Foundation

5. Our Friends: trusted friends, reviewers, bloggers, and entrepreneurs

6. Events: Speaking engagements, workshops, networking opportunities

7. Discoveries: Discover Your Passions And Purpose

8. Inspiration: The story of a street preacher with a heart

9. Book Review: a sample of two book reviews for Inner Architect

10. Workshops: Scheduled events

Bay Area Business Woman Publisher Debra Costner Hails Susan Hanshaw’s “Inner Architect” As The Tool To “Build Your Life From The Inside Out”

Welcome to the new Bay Area Business Woman!

Debra Costner, Publisher

Bay Area Business Woman publisher and editor Debra Costner is a no nonsense businesswoman living her “purpose.” In one of the best book reviews to date, Ms. Costner described “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live” as:

  • “It is not a book about living life or changing careers-it is in fact an exquisitely detailed workbook taking you through the process of a ‘personal revolution’”
  • “The many exercises, including identifying your trust issues, creating new beliefs about money, choosing to believe in yourself and trusting your instincts really hit the mark in identifying what keeps so many from finding success”
  • “Inner Architect is able to guide you through any life-altering modifications you feel compelled to make. The book could work to define a new health plan, improve personal relationships and of course develop a new business plan”

As Costner notes this book is for “. . . those who truly feel they need a change in direction, or want to examine their current situation and are ready for transformation.” As Susan advices “we are in an evolving state of becoming.” When you feel challenged by change and transition remember “When you have serious doubts, consider what regrets you might have if you don’t give your leap a full chance.”

Examples You Can Accomplish

1. Change your career direction create a purposeful path

2. Create new beliefs about money; letting go of the fear of the loss of the paycheck

3. Build the confidence to start a new exercise health plan

4. Improve your eating habits

5. Build and improve personal relationships

7 Steps To Help You Plan Your Future: Susan Hanshaw’s Action Planning Outline

The following “how to” article was written by my business partner and author Susan Hanshaw of personal development firm Inner Architect and publishing firm Inner Architect Media. Please consider these steps as a check list action plan to begin your journey of change and discovery. Her new book “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live” made it’s debut in June to wonderful reviews such as the review written by Tom Royce of http://therealestatebloggers

photo of susan hanshaw

Susan Hanshaw

Is there something that you wish to achieve or create in your life, yet you lack the confidence in yourself to follow through? Here are some tips for staying relentlessly focused on your goal.

  1. Break your goal into executable steps.
  2. Recognize that the key to achieving your goals is following through with the necessary steps.
  3. Assign a schedule for each step and commit it to your calendar.
  4. Use your calendar as your “to do” list. If you can’t get to a step on the scheduled date, reschedule it. Keep the step on your calendar until its completion.
  5. If you are feeling resistance to following through with a particular step, get in touch with the belief that is in your way.
  6. Replace the limiting belief with an idea that empowers you to move forward. Get inspired from someone who believes in you.
  7. Hold yourself responsible for the life you create. Don’t allow room for regrets!

Understanding Clues From Your Everday Life: Louise Hay Of Hayhouse–Inspiration In The Making

Reproduced with permission of Susan Hanshaw, inner architect media, the following is Susan’s experiences at the biggest Book Conference in America: Book Expo America. Susan’s honest insight provides a refreshingly forthright look into the building of a life started anew.

I have just returned from BookExpo America (BEA), the book industry’s annual event held this year at the Los Angeles Convention Center, where I went to promote the debut of my book, Inner Architect: How to Build the Life You Were Designed to Live. I expected the experience to be one of value, learning, and building relationships. What I didn’t expect was to discover what occurred to me while I mentally noted the highlights of the event during our final day. As I focused on these highlights, I saw a common thread that weaved throughout the launch of my book that would have totally bypassed my consciousness had I not stopped to casually review. I believe this common thread provides a direction for me that I would not have taken seriously had the energy of life not have shoved it in my face.

I’d like to share my clues and my perception of the guidance they provide, and then invite you to look at recent, or not so recent, events in your life where there might be direction sitting there for you.

Clue #1: My company, inner architect, published the book using a standard off-set printer who specializes in the book industry. Upon our request for production samples, the printer we ultimately chose sent us two books published by Hay House. I didn’t think anything more about this at the time than the printer wanted to promote that they had a well known, prestigious client.

Clue #2: Louise Hay author and founder of Hay House, happened to be autographing books in the Hay House booth at BEA while my partner, Dean and I walked by. Dean took my bashful arm and led me to stand next to him in the line to meet Louise. When it was our turn to greet her, Dean introduced me and thanked her for the inspiration she provided to us to launch our publishing company. Once again, I didn’t take this for anything more than shear luck of being in the right place at the right time to meet Louise Hay, a woman I respect and honor for her contribution to the human development movement.

Clue #3: Later that day at BEA we stopped to talk with a man promoting international distribution services. We proudly showed him our new book and he responded with a comment about it being along the lines of what Hay House publishes. He went on to tell us that a company that had recently lost the Hay House account would likely welcome something to replace it. I felt encouraged by his comment, yet didn’t see the meaning in this exchange until I put all three of these clues together.

My interpretation of these clues: I was led to look at a woman who I deeply admire as a model for my own work in a way that I had never considered on my own.

What to take away from my experience:

  1. Look at the events that unfold in your life as having meaningful messages for you.
  2. Take the messages that you interpret seriously, even if they seem grander than visions you’ve created for yourself.
  3. Trust that these messages are meant to lead you in the direction where you will find the most fulfillment.
  4. Believe that you are capable in carrying out these messages and commit to doing the steps that will see it through.

Realtor’s Marketing Strategy #5: Media List Power To Connections

Realtors and brokers should consider purchasing “Guerrilla Publicity”,a joint effort by Jay Levinson, Rick Frishman, and Jill Lublin, a comprehensive guide to ” Hundreds of sure-fire tactics to get maximum sales for minimum dollars.” One of the most powerful tactics is GP’s guide to compiling Media Lists.

7 Media List Tactics

1. Now not Later: Begin creating your list. Compile names of media people and interesting people and how they may help you

2. Habits that Win: Form the habit of making notes, collecting names, and recording ideas. Carry a pen, notebook, laptop, or any device you can utilize to record information–everywhere at anytime

3. Sphere of Influence: List the names of everyone you know who might remotely help: writers, reporters, editors, radio, and TV producers. Be industry specific

4. Your People: Ask friends, family, or business colleagues for contacts to add to your list

5. Local Angle: Call or email local radio shows, television stations, newspapers, and blogs who cover your niche

6. Business Cards: Always request a card from everyone you meet

7. Organization Time: Create a specific time slot in your schedule to update and add all new contacts you collect over the course of a week