Changing Careers-Laying Your Foundation Workshop To Transition and Success

Many people in a variety of business niches are constantly searching for answers to obstacles that plague their professional development, business success, and overall happiness and well being. Susan Hanshaw’s upcoming workshop “Changing Careers: Laying Your Foundation” provides 6 Steps with a goal and a proven formula for achieving each goal.

Q: “What Do You Get In This Workshop? Why Should I Attend?”

A: “Together we will walk through 6 steps each with a goal and a proven formula for achieving each goal:

Step 1

Goal: Stop feeling stuck in a career that no longer fits

How: Become aware of your choices

Step 2

Goal: Give yourself permission to experience your ideal work life

How: Identify the beliefs that are holding you back and learn how to let go of them

Step 3

Goal: Stop second guessing your desire for change

How: Recognize how your values have changed

Step 4

Goal: Believe in your ability to successfully create a career change

How: Learn the 7 Steps to successfully create change

Step 5

Goal: Discover your passions and purpose

How: Learn how and where to look for clues

Step 6

Goal: Believe you can turn your passions into a financially rewarding career

How: Identify the various ways you can generate income from your passions

Please consider joining us for Changing Careers: Laying Your Foundation

susan hanshaw

Susan Hanshaw
Workshop Facilitator

Changing Careers:
Laying Your Foundation

Saturday, Sept 6, 2008
10am – 4pm

Quadrus Conference Center
2400 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA

“One of the most beautiful conference centers I’ve ever been to.”— Al Gore

Bay Area Business Woman Publisher Debra Costner Hails Susan Hanshaw’s “Inner Architect” As The Tool To “Build Your Life From The Inside Out”

Welcome to the new Bay Area Business Woman!

Debra Costner, Publisher

Bay Area Business Woman publisher and editor Debra Costner is a no nonsense businesswoman living her “purpose.” In one of the best book reviews to date, Ms. Costner described “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live” as:

  • “It is not a book about living life or changing careers-it is in fact an exquisitely detailed workbook taking you through the process of a ‘personal revolution’”
  • “The many exercises, including identifying your trust issues, creating new beliefs about money, choosing to believe in yourself and trusting your instincts really hit the mark in identifying what keeps so many from finding success”
  • “Inner Architect is able to guide you through any life-altering modifications you feel compelled to make. The book could work to define a new health plan, improve personal relationships and of course develop a new business plan”

As Costner notes this book is for “. . . those who truly feel they need a change in direction, or want to examine their current situation and are ready for transformation.” As Susan advices “we are in an evolving state of becoming.” When you feel challenged by change and transition remember “When you have serious doubts, consider what regrets you might have if you don’t give your leap a full chance.”

Examples You Can Accomplish

1. Change your career direction create a purposeful path

2. Create new beliefs about money; letting go of the fear of the loss of the paycheck

3. Build the confidence to start a new exercise health plan

4. Improve your eating habits

5. Build and improve personal relationships

Inner Architect And Life Pioneer Randy Pausch Gone But Never Forgotten published this deansguide article July 26, 2008

Why is Randy Pausch one of the most important people you could ever listen to in your life? He is the essence of living your dream, deconstructing and obliterating obstacles, and if there was a picture next to the word “courage” in the dictionary it would be Randy’s picture. I never knew the man personally but I feel like he is my friend–just a friend I had not met yet.

Life Pioneer

Randy Paush was a life pioneer, an inner architect of the truest sense, who valued and coveted his time here like nobody I have ever witnessed. You can not help but be touched or greatly effected by Randy Pausch. If you watch his greatest triumph the last lecture the youtube video of his final lecture “Achieving Your Childhood Dreams” performed September 18, 2007 before a packed house at Carnegie Mellon University, you begin to understand the message: live life embrace your obstacles and triumph through your will

Words can not express our sorrow and sympathy for the Pausch family and Randy’s friends. Stay strong Randy would want that from every one of you.

Life Transitioning Workshop: How One Presentation Can Change Your Thoughts And Life

As the Business Director for Inner Architect, Inner Architect Media, and author Susan Hanshaw it is my role to help raise awareness of Susan’s new book “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live”, her personal development firm Inner Architect, and her upcoming events.

In support of her book and our community, Susan is performing pro-bono workshops for non profit groups, charities, and many employment organizations.

One of the most fulfilling experiences for Susan happened when she presented her workshop “The Secret To Success” June 20 for a group of 60 women at Job Train a Menlo Park based organization.

In her own words. . .

photo of susan hanshaw

I had one of my most fulfilling experiences on Friday June 20 when I was invited to speak at a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help those who are most in need to succeed. Sixty women who are enrolled in various vocational job training programs attended my workshop, “The Secret to Success”. Why was it so fulfilling? Because for at least our 90 minutes together, my ideas made a difference.

The breakthrough lesson was how our beliefs are all that holds us back from taking the steps to succeed. We did an exercise that first asked them to write answers to the following:

  • What fears do you have about your job future?
  • What ideas are limiting what you think you can achieve or become in your life?
  • What is holding you back from believing you can stay dedicated to doing the necessary work?

In the second part of the exercise, I asked them to go back and write down what new ideas they could replace the ones above with that would support them in taking action. After a few minutes, several shared how writing their thoughts down enabled them to get clarity they’d never had before.

We can help ourselves break through all our obstacles if only we look closely enough to see what they are.

Try the exercise yourself and see what you might learn. Publishes Inner Architect Book Review: “She Is Writing This So I Can Be My Own Life Coach”

inner architect book cover

Awareness continues to build for author Susan Hanshaw’s new work “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live” with global media giant publishing Lori Hoeck’s amazing review July 3, 2008 at blog.

The original story was published on June 24, 2008 as a deansguide article: “Smashing Review For Inner Architect: She Is Writing This So I Can Be My Own Life Coach.” syndicated the story for their News and Environment sections at

Live Workshops and Keynotes For Inner Architect

1. Mill Valley Rotary Club July 22, 2008

2. Sausalito Rotary Club July 24, 2008

3. Cupertino CSIX Connect Employment July 29, 2008

4. Fremont ProNet Employment August 15, 2008

5. San Francisco networking August 19, 2008

6. Menlo Park Job Train Graduation September 5, 2008

7. Menlo Park Workshop: “Changing Careers: Laying Your Foundation”

Date: Saturday, Sept 6, 2008
Time: 10am – 4pm
: Menlo Park, CA
Workshop price before Aug 6: $85
Workshop price after Aug 6: $95

Realtor’s Business Diagnostic Test #1: A-E-I-O-U And Sometimes Y

How often do you perform a diagnostic test on your business, it’s processes, and the overall health of your organization? Now might be a great time to take on this task; the results may surprise you as well as provide areas to improve upon. When learning the English language one of the first concepts was your vowels. Borrowing from this lesson, try applying the “A-E-I-O-U and sometimes Y” diagnostic test to your business.

A-E-I-O-U And Sometimes Y

A- Alternatives: How often do you research different solutions (alternatives) that could be applied to your business processes or mission that would improve what you already do well?

E-Education: Do you seek to educate yourself, your staff, and your customers with the most up to date, cutting edge industry specific information on an ongoing basis?

I-Intelligence: I am not referring to your intelligence or smarts but rather industry information about trends, competitors, products, services, or changes that will effect your business and the consumer

O-Observation: Observation testing according to “measures the skill people use when they pay attention to and remember work-related instructions, demonstrations, and procedures.” Do you pay attention and more importantly do you pay attention to detail within your business?

U-Understanding: Don Clark’s “Continuum of Understanding” has a great quote: The greater one understands the subject matter, the more one is able to weave past experiences (context) into new knowledge by absorbing, doing, interacting, and reflecting. Total Awareness of your business!

Sometimes Y-You: You and only You are the difference between your accomplishments and your failures. Your thoughts and your ability to dismantle doubt are the most important part of this exercise. If you feel intimidated then you will be but if you feel open to success then success will follow you

Realtor’s Marketing Strategy #2: Your Career’s “Positioning” Is The Why Of Marketing published this deansguide article April 21, 2008

In the world of best selling books, not unlike real estate, “positioning” a book is the “why” of book marketing. The example given by Dan Poynter of Para Publishing is “If you were writing a cookbook, write one sentence explaining why someone would want to buy yet another cookbook.” If you are a Realtor why should someone hire you with so many Realtors available to choose from in this industry? Answer this question in one sentence and you have the beginnings of the “why” marketing question answered for your business.

Strategy #2

In order to become a successful Realtor you need market “positioning” in your marketing plan. In my marketing plan for Susan Hanshaw’s upcoming book,Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live”, we are positioning this book as the essential step by step guide to designing a job you love utilizing your passions and interests.

What’s First?

Your goal is to be able to explain how you are different, better, or as outstanding as the best Realtor in your niche. Consider comparing your business to outstanding Realtors in your niche. Yes you are mentioning the competition but you are utilizing their reputation as a standard that you measure up to and surpass. When referring to someone who is successful you convey that you will “Be Like Mike” (see video) the old Gatorade Jordan marketing plan. states “Selective Perception serves as a suit of armor for the mind.”

What’s Next or How You Will Reach Your Market?

You can’t guarantee you will reach every media outlet. You can’t guarantee your target audience will respond to your marketing plan. What you can control is your research into the contacts you intend to make. Narrow your targets so that they match the best media outlets for your message.

Just like the media outlets, make sure you narrow your scope to the audience that will be most interested in your message. eHow’sHow To Benefit Financially With Target Marketing” four steps is a prime example of the work that will make you successful.

Don’t take the shotgun approach–that only leads to reputation suicide.

Realtor’s Marketing Strategy #1: Market Your Business Like A Best Selling Book

One of the most through, frustrating, rewarding, and intense marketing plans you can undertake is a plan that promotes a book. Like Realtors, there are thousands of new titles being introduced to the public every year. According to publisher Dan Poynter’s Para Publishing reference source roughly 190,000 new books are minted in the US every year.

And like a large number of Realtors, many of these new books are not properly introduced to their target audience, unprepared to go to market, lacking in the substance factor of knowledge or experience, and have no organized marketing plan.

If you are a Realtor and you believe that marketing is difficult, too time consuming, a necessary evil that should be governed by costs, or a task that an underling can perform for you then consider my latest endeavor–bring an author’s work to market.

For the next eight weeks I will chronicle my efforts to market author Susan Hanshaw’s upcoming book “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live.” Within this series, I will document the steps that media-publishers take to bring books to market through a comprehensive Marketing Plan. This plan can easily be implemented in part or whole to support a Realtor’s current plan or act as an outline.

Strategy #1

In order to become a successful Realtor you need a plan-a marketing plan. Accept this as fact and you are about to begin to take the steps necessary to bring your “brand” to market successfully. In the book world the publisher does very little to market your book (a shocking surprise to me last year). It is up to the author and representative to create the buzz leading to an audience for the product–sound familiar?

What’s First?

The first step is to create a list of benefit statements about your business. Very successful Silicon Valley Realtor Andy Wong calls his business his “practice.” Why is your business different? Why is it better? Why would consumers want to spend time learning more about you? How will consumers benefit from hiring you? Write short, consise, statements no more than 25 words–create impact.

What’s Next?

Outline your marketing plan with the first two steps in our formula:

1. What Are You Selling? : Write an two paragraph autobiographical profile since you are the product. What are you selling about you? Include your experience, achievements, and your niche

2. What Is Your Market? : Who will want to hire you? Do you work best with new home buyers or the luxury market? If you are a tech savvy person, is a great source of ideas to utilize for that consumer market.