It’s Never Too Late Until It’s Too Late

Harland Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame didn’t make good until he was well into his 60s. The Zagats, husband and wife legal team, didn’t create restaurant guidebook Zagat’s Guide until they were in the mid 40s. Ray Croc was in his 50s when he had success building a tiny hamburger restaurant chain called McDonalds. It’s never too late until it’s too late.

Arianna Huffington started the Huffington Post when she was 55! This article is a reminder, wake up call not a how-to post.

Do It Now

Sounds like the Nike commercial from years past but it’s true. Distractions like TV, sports, bars, chasing after a relationship, and the myriad of ways which we spend our time, telling ourselves we are relaxing or what we are doing is worth it, don’t help you in the long run. Smoking, eating out or just eating excessively, going to the gym but not working while you’re there, all fall under the category of putting off the inevitable: you’re not getting it done.

Was Tony Montana right? No of course not he ended up dead. Yet Tony, seized the opportunity, acted upon it, strategized on how to get power, money, and the woman. What are you doing to make your life better or a dream come true?

It’s Never Too Late Unless You Let It Be

One thing, idea, pledge, or promise to yourself – one that I’m making – don’t pass from this earth without trying to grab your dream.