Authenticity Protocol and Referral Machine published this deansguide article September 30, 2008 published this deansguide article September 30, 2008

Sasha Strauss, Managing Director of Innovation Protocol a brand strategy consulting firm, makes a very compelling case for utilizing LinkedIn as a source of referrals. Referrals can be the lifeblood of a business and LinkedIn is the tool Sasha utilized to grow his business.

Innovation Protocol’s Story

1. Innovation Protocol has been in business 1 year and 5 months

2. Company is profitable

3. Hiring one new employee every single month

4. Sasha claims they are now turning away business

5. Never placed an advertisement in order to generate business

6. All their business is through referrals

7. Most of their referrals are from LinkedIn

8. LinkedIn profiles provide the robust information as well as recommendations that qualify potential clients according to Sasha Create Your Writing Platform On a Global Scale

The example below provides information on, what a published post looks like when placed on a mass media site, how to apply for membership, the value of the service, the benefits to bloggers, the benefits to your marketing efforts, and the benefits associated with building your writing platform for your business.’s Finance and Business section has published the latest deansguide article describing the ongoing Ed Okun 1031 Tax Group scandal “Ed Okun Tax Group Scandal Reaching Climax: Is Recover of Monies in The Cards?”: article

If you have a stand alone blog not connected to Active Rain, if your stand alone blog has traffic numbers that measure up, and if you want more exposure for your writing and your business consider submitting your application for membership to Blogburst.

Blogburst Overview

This overview is a 10,000 foot view of how the site works and how it works with your blog. It is very benefitial as this section provides you with the reasons why this is such a fun and powerful membership for your blogging efforts

How Does it Work?

1. Guidelines: go here to learn about what Blogburst looks for in their member blogs. Information about the type of content, the news agencies that are looking at the content, timely content, fair and ethical content that does not jeopardize the publishers, and more information that will help you to determine your chances of membership

2. Tips and Selection: this criteria list is very important and it should be reviewed closely. Give yourself the best chance for inclusion by following this advice

3. Technical Criteria: this is simple and basic criteria like having a RSS feed on your blog. Make sure you have all your ducks in a row and review this section


The FAQ section is where most of your questions will be answered as others have had the same concerns or curiousities.

Mass Media Syndication

The following is an example of some of the mass media partner sites with US and global reach:

Chicago Sun-Times

Customers include:

Networking Skills Workshop CSIX Connect September 30: Learn How To Market Yourself Through Networking

Communicate your need.
State your goals.
Improve your networking skills.
eXchange Job leads.

CSIX’s mantra

Tuesday September 30 I will be facilitating a workshop “How to Market Yourself Through Networking” for CSIX Connect employment group at the iRestaurant in Cupertino, CA. The meeting begins at 10:30 and runs until 1:00. The admission is $12 which includes a wonderful lunch, networking opportunities with a group of experienced and expert Silicon Valley job seekers, and information on real world networking.

For my friends and the friends I have just not met yet on Active Rain: If you like this workshop or any of the individual subjects covered, I am more than willing to provide links. If you have questions please contact me at or call me at (415) 410-7524

The Program Will Cover

Definition What does Networking Mean?

1. The #1 Biggest Mistake in Networking: The Hard Sell

2. The #1 Method For Networking Success: Giving

3. The 5 Benefits of Giving: Referrals, Relationships, Evangelists for you, Reference Point, Mentor

4. Exercise: The “Give” How to identify your value give aways and outline a plan on how and where to deliver this value

5. 8 Tips to Engage: How to Make a Connection

6. Listening Is a Skill That Requires Strategy

7. Procrastination: 5 Tips to Help You Follow Through

8. 10 Reasons Why You Should Maintain An Ongoing Networking Campaign During Your Career

9. Etiquette Do’s and Don’ts of Networking

10. The Secret of Networking Success: Get Your Connections to Benefit First

11. 5 Tips to Branding “You”

This program is designed to be a two hour program. I am going to blast through this program in one hour with the promise of providing more information to those people interested.

If you are interested in this information, consider the fact that I have written about every subject here on Active Rain on this blog. You can simply go back and “mine” my archive of posts to find ea article that matches the subject matter. If I can be of assistence, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Ed Okun Tax Group Scandal Reaching Climax: Is Recovery of Monies in The Cards? published this deansguide article September 26, 2008

United States Trustee Gerald McHale’s 9th newsletter briefing of the status of the Ed Okun 1031 Tax Group case highlights the difficulty and frustration of trying to “get blood from a stone.” The proverbial stone being Okun and the assets which seem to either be non existent or hiding.

Highlights or Lowlights?

The people waiting for some type of settlement must be getting very restless and asking questions non stop. I am sure Mr. McHale is doing his best to get as much money back as possible but the following plea says it all:

McHale in an open plea to the “Train Wreck Victims”

“Trust me when I say that it goes against my open nature and I know how frustrating it must be not to have your questions answered in detail. . . “

Major Points

1. Supplemental Proof of Loss was filed by McHale July 30, 2008 “containing extensive analysis”

Analysis: What effect this supplement will have on recovery is anyone’s guess. At least McHale is working as much information into the mix as possible in regards to proving further damages and seeking compensation. The frustration for victims is they are often kept in the dark

2. JPS Capital, our old friends (Mr. Shapiro) who decided to set the record straight with deansguide but never delivered on that promise, are now a target of litigation or as McHale so clinically puts it “we have commenced an action against JPS and other parties asserting an interest in the New Hampshire lakeside mansion.” The goal is to recover $5.1 million in debtor monies

3. Richard Simring and David Field Plead guilty. For more information see Julie Kay’s article in it’s entirety on McHale’s site here

4. Ed Okun and Laura Coleman trial dates set for January of 2009

The saga continues as more money is being recovered, fewer players are left standing, and the victims remain holding the bag!

Okun promises
Monies disappear

Mystery caller

Emily Chang’s eHub: Tool For Bloggers, Web 2.0 News

Emily Chang, MIT graduate, award-winning web and interaction designer, technology strategist and co-founder of Ideacodes, a design and web consultancy in San Francisco has a very cool tool for you to keep up with new applications at her blog: This tool announces new Web 2.0 applications and provides a short description as well as reviews.


eHub is a listing within that is a stream of fresh news about the latest and greatest applications to come out of the minds of entrepreneurs. Why is this so important to bloggers?

1. Great content ideas provide constant information valuable to your readers

2. Great tools to help you in your business

3. Features and Reviews

4. Cutting edge and timely information on Web 2.0

5. Interviews with entrepreneurs and industry superstars

6. Submit a Site allows you to send your site or your favorite new tool for exposure

7. Tech Events and News

Example of Great Content

Project 10 to the 100th: According to the latest post on eHub this project is a very important event that anyone can become involved in:

“A call for ideas to change the world by helping as many people as possible. “Here’s how to join in. 1. Send us your idea by October 20th. 2. Voting on ideas begins on January 27th. We’ll post a selection of one hundred ideas and ask you, the public, to choose twenty semi-finalists. Then an advisory board will select up to five final ideas. 3. We’ll help bring these ideas to life. We’re committing $10 million to implement these projects, and our goal is to help as many people as possible. So remember, money may provide a jumpstart, but the idea is the thing.”

Follow Emily on twitter

profile image twittering: finishing up a style guide. it’s cool to be working with someone again that i worked with ten years ago.

Blogger’s Guide to Expertise: Lorelle VanFossen’s “Blogging Tips: What Bloggers Won’t Tell You About Blogging” published this deansguide article September 24, 2008

I never push my readers to read or subscribe to someone’s blog or website. I feel it is their choice, their time, and their preferences that are most important. But I am going to break that rule this one time. If you are about to establish a blog, a beginning blogger, an intermediate blogger, an experienced blogger, or if you think you know everything about blogging–you MUST check out Lorelle VanFossen.

Why Lorelle VanFossen?

Complex strategies made simple, hands on help made easy, effective and valuable guidelines made accessible, and the energy to continuously deliver fresh valuable content without asking for anything in return. Lorelle is an incredible resource.

Lorelle Van Fossen was a presenter at WordPress’s Word Camp 2008 in San Francisco and she made a huge impression on the audience. She is an expert on WordPress, how to stretch that platform to it’s limits, and everything blogging. On top of those facts, Lorelle is very giving of her time and energy to help people–she’s one of the good ones.

Authority and Substance Factor

Lorelle VanFossen is one of the leading experts on WordPress software, techniques, strategies, and writing. Her blog is a massive treasure chest full of help and answers. Lorelle’s blog mantra:

“Helping You Learn More About Blogging and WordPress Every Day With Help, Tips, Advice, and Techniques For Blogging and Using WordPress, and The Blogging Help You Need. Now”

Must Read For Any Blogger

Although it is a beginner’s guide to blogging, “Blogging Tips” has many very valuable tips and strategies for the intermediate and advanced blogger. Yes all of the type of information Lorelle has outlined exists for free online–if you are willing to research each author’s reputation, compile the information, and then organize it from ground zero to advanced techniques. For a sample chapter and the chance to see what I am raving about go here for your free chapter

Why This Book?

1. It is organized extremely well leaving out nothing for chance

2. The text is simple and easy to digest

3. Bullet points, well thought out examples, and commentary lead the reader at their own pace on a learning expedition

4. Lorelle addresses your motivation. Do you blog for fun, to write, or for business. She approaches each with strategy and useful advice

5. Succinct style as this book is 92 power packed pages

6. SEO tactics

7. Blogger Rights section with copyright information

8. Community Building strategies

9. Blog Management and Administration

10. Work-Book Size and Index section make this an easy book to cross reference


People are curious animals in that many of us do not want to take the time to buy a book. If it’s free we can find it online. Yet when push comes to shove, we don’t always find the right information. We don’t spend the time to investigate, and we don’t make the learning process a priority.

Suggestion: The Best $12.95 You Will Ever Invest

Invest in yourself, your blogging, and your education. Buy Lorelle’s book as it is the best $12.95 I have spent in years! At the very least subscribe to Lorelle’s blog and begin to reap the benefits!

Lie Detector For Bloggers or Another Guesstimate:

Looney Tunes opening title from mid-1950s.

Courtesy Looney Tunes Wiki

Chicago Sun-Times published this deansguide article September 23, 2008

The challenge: finding a traffic measurement tool that will allow a person to accurately analyze a blogger’s traffic or company website’s traffic.

The reason: Bloggers and companies make outlandish, blatant, and false claims of traffic (page views and uniques) that just do not pass the smell test. When a person is attempting to control their budgetary expenses when attending networking events, one of the best methods is to perform due diligence on a blogger, SEO expert, or someone claiming to have lots of traffic. is a fun and handy tool, powered by Google App engine, that provides measurement for many statistics for your blog. By simply placing your url into the search box, retreives 15 site statistics that provide a blogger with information vital to their efforts.


Many of the sites in this measurement tool utilize statistics derived from toolbar downloads, extrapilated projections, and statistical sampling. No tool to my knowledge gives precise statistical information on blogs. If anyone has a set of better tools please let us know. One of the most difficult problems is verifying a sites traffic when they make claims of page views and uniques that seem far from realistic.’s Returned Results (for my outside blog) deansguide:

1. Title: deansguide

2. Alexa Rank: 346,275

3. Compete Rank: 38

4. Quantcast Rank: 266,768

5. Technorati Rank: 433,097 Authority 16/ Google 80

6. Google Indexed: 991

7. Yahoo Indexed: 1,720

8. Google Back Links: 132

9. Yahoo Back Links: 4,100

10. delicious book marks: 2

11. Wikipedia External Links: 1

12. DMOZ Links: 0

13. Google Blog Search Links: 80

14. Technorati Blog Reactions: 72


urlmetrix is a quick tool that gives a blogger measurement, pinpoints areas that need work, helps bloggers discover their strengths and weaknesses, and it allows bloggers to compile this information in seconds without having to download any one toolbar for access. Student Content Driven Review Site Best Tool For Realtors and College Applicants

Students and parents looking for information on colleges, campus life, pictures of University grounds, reviews from unbiased sources, and everything wrapped up in one site search no more. is the answer to the propaganda machine that many Universities call blogs.

The majority of schools in America are clueless to the advantages of a blog for their school, Web 2.0 tools for their students and teachers, Web 2.0 as a business major or at least focus within a business major, or the value of student powered content for marketing purpose.

Filling a Need: Business Model Success is a brilliant yet simple concept: poll thousands of college students on their universities. Have these students provide reviews and reports about everything the University has to offer. Describe academic and living conditions. Create audio and video resources; and package it all together so parents, students, and entrepreneurs can learn more about the institutions

Realtor’s Tool

If you have a great University or a concentration of great Universities within the region you sell you must consider this a strong selling point in real estate. Find, Review, Explore

Find: this is a rich search system that can pinpoint nearly every major university in the land

Review: this allows you to rate your university adding information for others to consider

Explore: this section aggregates all the information for your investigation. Sections include College Reviews; Video; Photos; Documents; and student Profiles

Unconvinced? About Us Document:

“Unigo is the world’s largest platform for college students to share reviews, photos, videos, documents, and more with students on their campus and across the country.

It’s also the best place for high school students to find out what life is really like at America’s colleges, and to make friends to help them find the school that’s right for them.

Unigo is the result of a nationwide grassroots movement to get the truth out about college life, and it’s growing bigger every day. Want to join?”

Realtor’s Floor Duty Tip #1: Stop Hard Selling-Start Engaging

This morning I called an agent to find out the listing price of a condo in my condo complex. The longtime resident is a good guy and I wanted to compare prices with some of the other properties as a measure for our market. When I called the agent I asked the question: “Hi, Tom can you tell me the list price on 123 Main St?”

The answer I received made me think of a few things I want to share with you since I am a consumer and NOT an agent.

Questions Are Not Buying Signals

1. Asking a question about a property is NOT a buying signal. Check out Mark Dembo’s article on buying signals for practical advice. When I asked for the price, I followed up that question with “What is the square footage of this condo?”  Tom the agent answered the square footage is “1,408” but then.  .  .

Hard Sell Launch

1. Agent Tom, thinking he had permission to slam me with a sales pitch launched into the following ramble:

Tom: “This is one of the biggest units in the complex (that’s not true-I know for a fact it is avg); this unit has one of the biggest garages in the complex (that is also false); you have private use of your own boat dock (that’s true); you have plenty of parking; two bedrooms 2 1/2 baths; community pool” and the list of features continued.

Note: During this Features “Puke” Tom was on a roll, never stopped to measure my interest, and continued at a speed where I could not ask another question. His attitude was just sit back and listen to how great this property is and how great it would be for you.

My Reaction

1. Run, run fast, run away immediately. So that is what I did to Tom. I told him: “Thank you I appreciate the information have a good day.” I hung up before Tom could react with ANOTHER DOZEN FEATURES I COULD NOT LIVE WITHOUT.

2. My perception of Tom:

a.) Tom knows the Hard Sell

b.) Tom does not know how to engage on a personal level and create a connection

c.) Tom is desperate, he is selfish

d.) Tom is unprofessional

e.) Tom did not attempt to brand himself

f.) Tom did not give me a feel for the buyer’s situation

g.) Tom did not ask one probing question

h.) Tom did not care for anything but puking his information all over me.

i.) Tom does not know how to give value in order to connect

If I Were a Betting Man: Tom’s Reaction To My Call

1. I was just another tire kicking clown

2. I was not serious

3. That call was a waste of time

4. That guy was rude as he did not let me continue my mindless info puke

5. Floor duty sucks!

Opportunities Tom Missed and Things He will Never Understand

1. I could be somebody who could help his career- I would write about him and help him with Web 2.0 transition or sales transition if he had just engaged with me

2. He doesn’t know who I know- I know lots of friendly people here on Active Rain. He needs to be here and I will bet (sorry I would make this bet) my house he is not aware of Active Rain or the power here

3. He did not try to befriend, engage, or create a personal relationship-again I do know the county as I grew up in Marin County when the market for starter homes was $19,500-I know lots of people even today

4. He did not ask permission to provide more information– this would have shown respect and I would have gladly accepted his info puke

5. He did not brand himself and offer a glimpse of his differentiating factor

6. He did not offer any value give, any value information, any value advice

The Secret That Is NO Secret

Every call is an opportunity to show why a person should be interested in you. The method to gaining access to people, their confidence, and their group of friends is to provide free information that people value. Proof Outbound Link Strategy Keeps Readers Coming Back published this deansguide article September 19, 2008

Scott Karp author of the blog Publishing 2.0 wrote a eye opening and somewhat startling report about the uber news site the In his article he is able to debunk aka discredit two major assumptions being pushed forward by marketing guru’s, website “experts”, and bloggers everyday: You should never send readers away from your news site by linking to third party content. Since we as bloggers are trying to deliver huge value, news, and new tips, the following is very important in your strategy.

Assumption #1

“You shouldn’t send people away or else they won’t come back to your site.”

Assumption #2

“A page with links that sends people away has low engagement, which doesn’t serve advertisers well.”

As Scott states, I support his statement 100%,: “But if you actually look at the data, both of these assumptions are completely wrong.”

Newspaper Association of America: Top 30 News Sites Ranked by Sessions per Person (May 2008)

Top News sites Ranked by Time per Person: Source

The Results: Just the Facts

1. The top site has 2x as many sessions per person

2. The top site has almost twice as much time spent per person

Biggest Take Away of All

According to Scott and his logic is clearly supported here: But the most important difference between the top site and all the other sites, is that this top site — Drudge — has nothing but LINKS.”

That’s right folks the Drudge Report is essentially a giant blog built on links to other sites with a little content thrown in for direction. Drudge beats every fresh content news site by a 2 to 1 margin.


More SEO gurus around the country are beginning to rethink the idea that fresh content is no longer king. Content in many ways is still king. What is important to understand is that it is better to send your readers away IF you provide them such great value that they will return to your site as a starting point for the quest for answers to their questions.

Note: Realtors need to understand that they can link to more successful agents, bigger companies, and experts in the field without fear of losing their readership–if they are providing great content even if it is pointing to other bloggers.

Scott’s Update to Objectors

Commenter’s objection “Drudge’s session numbers are worthless. Unlike every site on the list, Drudge has an artificially high auto-refresh rate of something under 3 minutes, I think it might even be as low as 2 minutes. The conclusions are fairly obvious– every person who leaves Drudge’s page open in a new tab, or leaves their desk for lunch created dozens or even hundreds of “new” sessions.”

Scott’s Retort

“I find it ironic that most of these commenters came here from Techmeme, a site that has nothing but links and that auto-refreshes. Techmeme, like Drudge, is INDISPENSIBLE for its users, something any news site should want to claim. And Techmeme has found the key to unlokcing value for advertisiers (hint: it’s not display ads) — sponsorships in the form of content links, just like Techeme’s editorial content.

And really, what news site wouldn’t want to be open in a reader’s browser being refreshed all day, instead of hoping for drive-by referrals from aggregators?”

In my opinion, there is almost always a hidden agenda or motivation behind many objections. Before analyzing and supporting objections, it’s always best to understand who benefits and why. I believe Scott did a fantastic job here.