Unigo.com: Student Content Driven Review Site Best Tool For Realtors and College Applicants

Students and parents looking for information on colleges, campus life, pictures of University grounds, reviews from unbiased sources, and everything wrapped up in one site search no more. Unigo.com is the answer to the propaganda machine that many Universities call blogs.

The majority of schools in America are clueless to the advantages of a blog for their school, Web 2.0 tools for their students and teachers, Web 2.0 as a business major or at least focus within a business major, or the value of student powered content for marketing purpose.

Filling a Need: Business Model Success

Unigo.com is a brilliant yet simple concept: poll thousands of college students on their universities. Have these students provide reviews and reports about everything the University has to offer. Describe academic and living conditions. Create audio and video resources; and package it all together so parents, students, and entrepreneurs can learn more about the institutions

Realtor’s Tool

If you have a great University or a concentration of great Universities within the region you sell you must consider this a strong selling point in real estate.

Unigo.com: Find, Review, Explore

Find: this is a rich search system that can pinpoint nearly every major university in the land

Review: this allows you to rate your university adding information for others to consider

Explore: this section aggregates all the information for your investigation. Sections include College Reviews; Video; Photos; Documents; and student Profiles

Unconvinced? About Us Document:

“Unigo is the world’s largest platform for college students to share reviews, photos, videos, documents, and more with students on their campus and across the country.

It’s also the best place for high school students to find out what life is really like at America’s colleges, and to make friends to help them find the school that’s right for them.

Unigo is the result of a nationwide grassroots movement to get the truth out about college life, and it’s growing bigger every day. Want to join?”