A “Preacher” With An Uncommon Mission: Spreading The Word On The Street

Photo courtesy of SFGate.com

Imagine you are a history scholar, young father and newly wed in your 30’s, pushing hard for your doctorate from one of the leading universities in the world–and then it happens. You read an old version of the bible and you are blown away.

The experience is life changing and the transformation you embark upon begins with you leaving your doctorate studies for a life preaching “the word.” You begin your journey by inviting homeless people to sleep on your apartment floor every night. Your wife can not agree with your vision and your marriage ends in divorce with your wife and baby moving back to the East Coast.

The culmination of your transformation is your decision to turn in your apartment keys, sell your belongings, and go live in a homeless encampment under a freeway overpass so that you can relate to your “congregation.”

This is no Harlequin novel but rather the real life story, a wonderful read by San Francisco Chronicle’s Kevin Fagan, of Vincent Pannizzo a New Jersey native who was working toward his doctorate in History at the University of California Berkeley before deciding to heed God’s calling and preach “the word.”

What Do You Think Of This Man?

Maybe instead of a never ending stream of headlines about Paris Hilton, our convoluted and corrupt political system, and the ongoing soulless news items we are force fed, maybe we should seek out and make example of stories like Vincent’s story.

Is it possible to change minds by simply changing what information you allow into your life? Tell me what you think.

Newsflash: California Supreme Court Grants Rights To Gay Marriage

In a controversial and long standing fight, gay rights activists are rejoicing as the California Supreme court today overturned the gay marriage ban. In what could be a historic ruling, the California Supreme Court ruled:

“. . . that a ban on gay marriage was unlawful Thursday, effectively leaving same-sex couples in America’s most populous state free to tie the knot in a landmark ruling” according to Yahoo.com news reports.

The Corporate View: It doesn’t get much stuffier than this

The Gay View: It doesn’t get much funnier than this