Ziff Davis Enterprises’ Joe Wilcox Of “Microsoft Watch” Fame Takes Up The Splogger Fight For deansguide

eWeek Microsoft Watch

Ziff Davis Enterprise published this deansguide article August 25, 2008

Apparently my words have not fallen on deaf ears in my ongoing fight to have countrychasehomes.com de-indexed and removed from Google Search forever. Joe Wilcox respected journalist for Ziff Davis Enterprises and the columnist for “Microsoft Watch” decided to print my article announcing my plans to attempt to have countrychasehomes removed from Google. See article here

In the meantime my last three articles on networking and the Sausalito Art Festival have been scraped and placed on the splog site-with no end in sight to their continual robbery.

Actions Taken

1. Reported splogger to their host

2. Completing DMCA form for submission to host

3. Reported splogger to Google’s Spam Department

4. Written 5 articles, 3 here on AR, 2 on deansguide denouncing splogger; one article now being run by global mass media site

5. Reported splogger to WordPress.com as a warning to other WordPress users

Newsflash: California Supreme Court Grants Rights To Gay Marriage

In a controversial and long standing fight, gay rights activists are rejoicing as the California Supreme court today overturned the gay marriage ban. In what could be a historic ruling, the California Supreme Court ruled:

“. . . that a ban on gay marriage was unlawful Thursday, effectively leaving same-sex couples in America’s most populous state free to tie the knot in a landmark ruling” according to Yahoo.com news reports.

The Corporate View: It doesn’t get much stuffier than this

The Gay View: It doesn’t get much funnier than this