The Zero Point Field: Science and Spirtuality Intersect To Produce Greatest Discovery In Personal Development

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The following is written by Susan Hanshaw non denominational minister, inspirational speaker, author “Unleashing Your Soul: Finding the Courage to Follow Your Heart”, and author of

Lynne McTaggart, award winning journalist and author of The Field and The Intention Experiment, has discovered the “holy grail” of personal development through the convergence of science and spirituality. This discovery is the result of her quest to identify an explanation for homeopathy and spiritual healing. So important and intriguing are McTaggart’s discoveries, I feel that they have the potential to change our world-provided we do our part.

Those of us who have studied A Course in Miracles have been taught of a universal connectedness to God that flows through all of life and of an illusionary world that we have created which is founded on the belief in separation, scarcity, and fear.

How interesting that scientists have produced evidence which shows that a field of energy exists that connects everything in the universe, and that each one of us is a part of this energy. They call this field the Zero Point Field. Furthermore, the evidence suggests that we are each like a wave of pulsating energy that is constantly interacting with this field of energy, and that we have the capacity to direct our thoughts to change physical matter. This sure seems to me like two versions of the same story; one is the spiritual law and the other describes the laws of the physical forces. Could this possibly be the mechanics of God that we’re now studying?

I find this subject so exciting and I could go on and on, but I’ve got to stop somewhere. If these ideas intrigue you, I invite you to join me as I explore them more this Wednesday evening on my ACIM Gather Radio segment, Science and the Sonship from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Pacific time, 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm Eastern time. Meanwhile, I’d love to hear your thoughts.