Twitter Strategies for Entrepreneurs: Mr.Tweet’s Recommendations

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One of the best Twitter strategies for entrepreneurs is to implement Mr. Tweet, the self proclaimed “Your Personal Networking Assistant”, recommendations. Much like the strategy behind Linkedin recommendations, Mr Tweet recommendations allow Twitterers the opportunity to recommend their favorite Twitterers. The twitter strategy in utilizing favorites can be used in conjunction with your Mr.Tweet Twitter strategy.

Mr.Tweet Recommendations

There are two methods to writing a recommendation on Mr. Tweet. You can utilize the Mr. Tweet internal search engine to find people you want to recommmend or you can allow Mr.Tweet to suggest people you may wish to recommend:

Mr Tweet recommendations002

The recommendation box provides a description of the Twitterer you will recommend. The box below allows you plenty of space to write a solid recommendation. Note once you have written the recommendation, Mr.Tweet has an option that will automatically tweet your recommendation for you.

Twitter-Mr.Tweet Recommendation Strategies

  • Networking: by recommending someone whose work you covet but do not have a personal relationship with, you can open up the lines of communication by recommending their work
  • Exposure: when you recommend people, other Twitterers notice the time and effort you put in to help people
  • #Followfriday: on a follow Friday recommend people in your network in conjunction with your #followfriday efforts
  • Genuine: be genuine and acknowledge what makes the person you recommend special aka what is their differentiating factor? If you are not familiar with a person’s work, do not try to fake a recommendation
  • Automatic Tweet: always check the option box at the end of your recommendation that allows Mr.Tweet to immediately tweet your recommendation. This will maximize the amount of exposure your recommended Twitter will receive and exposure for your efforts as someone willing to help others

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  1. Pingback: Twitter Strategies for Entrepreneurs: #FollowFriday Tips « DeansGuide

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