Susan Hanshaw: The Most Powerful Life Changing Concept You Probably Have Never Experienced!

I am the luckiest man alive! I have a wonderful family, my health, and I have a woman who is an inspiration to me every day I venture into the world.

Life was NOT always like this for me. I struggled with my own demons, my temperment, and even my own faith in what I believed I could accomplish while here on this planet. The constant theme for me during those dark days was so simple it always escaped me: vibration.

How do you see the world? How do you perceive people? What kind of thoughts do you harbor and how do those thoughts effect your reality? How does your spoken word effect the outcome of your life? How does your spoken word effect those people around you? These are all questions best answered by Susan Hanshaw, published author, speaker, and purpose teacher. “Unleashing Your Soul: Finding the Courage to Follow Your Heart” is an important work for those searching to fulfill their “life’s purpose.”


The following is an article Susan writes about the life changing concept of “vibration. Enjoy!


Three months ago I published an article here, Tips for Raising Your Vibration, that has been so consistently well trafficked that it has given me pause for thought. What is it about this topic that intrigues us so? And like some of the other leading edge thought concepts that I promote in this space, I wonder if we are all on the same page as to what we’re really talking about. After all, this is not a life issue that we learn about through the mainstream media. This leaves those of us who are curious about such things responsible for finding our own answers, rather than having them regularly fed to us. Oh well. It comes with the territory of being the pioneers that we are.

I love how the ordinary events of my life are always leading me to deeper understandings. Last night I sat down to dinner alone with a book I hadn’t picked up in awhile, There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, by Wayne Dyer. As I was thumbing through, I came across a couple of sections that provided me with a new way of looking at the impact of energy vibration. In the words of Dr. Dyer:

“Faster vibrations mean getting closer to spirit.”

“Slower vibrations keep us in the world of ‘problems’.”

I now better understand the popularity of the vibration article. Who knowingly wants to invite problems into their life?

After reading this, I thought more about what it means to achieve a fast level of vibration. At the slowest level we are plodding through our human “stuff”, while at the highest vibration we are at the energy of the divine. To vibrate at the highest level means to be God-like. I don’t know how simpler it can get. When we understand what it means, the how-to becomes clear. To become God-like means to focus your energy on expressing kindness, generosity, understanding and all those other virtues of love that we attach to the divine.

It sounds pretty easy to me. And the good news is that as we transform the energy of our individual beings, we all make this planet a better place.
